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Branches of the Physics


The word physics is derived from the Latin word "physics", which means natural thing. It is the branch of science which answers how something or anything is working. It is considered with the nature and properties of matter and energy. Physics is very vast subject. It answers everything about how universe works. Studying the huge universe in a single subject is not possible, so the physics is sub-divided into so many branches.

Branches of the physics

1. Classical Physics

2. Modern Physics

3. Atomic Physics

4. Nuclear Physics

5. Particle Physics

6. Molecular Physics

7. Condensed Matter Physics

8. Solid-State Physics

9. Fluid Mechanics

10. Plasma Physics

11. Geo-Physics

12. Bio-Physics

13. Chemical Physics

14. Econophysics

15. Health Physics

16. Mathematical Physics

17. Relativistic Physics

18. Engineering Physics

19. Mesoscopic Physics

20. Astro-Physics

21. Cosmology

22. Mechanics

23. Acoustic

24. Optics

25. Thermodynamics

26. Electronics

27. Electromagnetism

28. Classical Electrodynamics

29. Modern Electrodynamics

We'll Discuss about each in detail :

1. Classical Physics : 

branches of the physics | classical physics

It is a branch of physics which listed before 1900. This branch of physics deals mostly with matter and energy. This branch of physics is mostly concerned with the gravitation, laws of motion given by Sir Issac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell's kinetic theory and thermodynamics. In this branch matter and energy are regarded as separate entity. Moreover, any theory of physics that is concerned null in modern physics automatically falls under the realm of classical physics.

2. Modern Physics :

Branches Of The Physics | Modern PhysicsIt is a branch of physics which listed after the 1900 or in the 20th century. Modern Physics is a branch of physics that is mainly concerned with the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Modern Physics typically involve distance related to atoms and velocity compared to the speed of light. In modern physics, energy and matter are not considered as separate entities. Rather they are considered different forms of each other. Albert Einstein and Max Plank are considered the most important person of modern physics as the first scientist to introduce the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

3. Atomic Physics :

Branche of The Physics | Modern Physics | Moder Physics class 12It is a branch of physics that deals with composition of atom. It is mainly concerned about arrangement of electron and their behavior in various shell of atom, and the process by which arrangement of electron changes around nucleus. It mostly examine electrons, ions and neutral atoms.

4. Nuclear Physics : 

Branche of The Physics | Nuclear Physics | introduction to nuclear physicsIt is branch of physics that studies the protons and neutrons at the center of an atom and the interaction that holds them together in space just a few manometer ( 10 ^ -15 ). In normal language it is the study of constituent, structure, behavior and the interaction of atom nuclei.

In modern age its scope is being very wide. It is used in power generators, nuclear weapon, medicines, magnetic resonance imaging, industrial and agricultural isotopes.

Same Examples of Nuclear reaction are : Radioactive Decay, nuclear fusion, the breakup of nucleus, etc.

5. Particle Physics :

Branche of The Physics | particle physics | particle physics standard modelParticle Physics (also know as high energy physics ) is a branch of physics that studies the elementary building block of matter, the nature of particle, radiation and their interaction. This include all about leptons, bosons, Higgs boson ( which gives mass to other particle ), quarks, gauge boson ( which mediate force between the other particles ) and many more.

6. Molecular Physics : 

Branche of The Physics | Molecular Physics | Molecular Physics JournalIt is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of the molecule, the different types of chemical bond between them, interaction between them as well as molecular dynamics. Its most important experimental techniques are the various types of spectroscopy ( the branch of science concerned with the investigation and measurement of spectrum particle where matter interact or emits electromagnetic waves ).

7. Condensed matter physics :

Branche of The Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | Condensed matter physics journalIt is the branch o physics that studies that studies the substance mainly in the solid state. It deals with macroscopic and microscopic physical properties

of matter. It studies whenever the number of constituents is a system is extremely large and the iteration between the constituents are strong. The most familiar example of condensed phase are solid and liquid. It seek to understand the behavior of this phase by using physical laws mainly quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and statistical magnetism. This include the investigation of both crystalline solids in which the atom are positioned and a repeating three dimensional lattice, such as diamond and amorphous materials in which atomic position is very irregular, like in glass.

8. Solid State Physics : 

Branche of The Physics | Solid State Physics | Solid State Physics PDF

It is the largest branch of condensed matter physics. It is the study of rigid matter or solids, through methods such as quantum mechanics, crystallography, electromagnetism and metallurgy.

9. Fluid Mechanics : 

Branche of The Physics | Fluid Mechanics

It is the branch of physics that deals with the mechanics of fluid ( liquid, gases and plasma ) and the force on them either at rest or in motion.

10. Plasma Physics :

Branche of The Physics | Plasma PhysicsIt is the branch of physics that focus on the study of 4th state of matter know as plasma and its application.

Plasma is a state of matter where everything is fully ionized in the form of ions and electrons. Although the kind of state hardly exist on earth environment ( except phenomenon such as lighting or areas such as magnetosphere ). However outside the earth one will find plasma in the common state of matter ( 99.3% of matter ).

11. Geophysics :

Branche of The Physics |Geophysics

It is a branch of physics that studies about earth by using laws of physics such as ; Gravitational, magnetic field.

12. Bio Physics : 

Branche of The Physics | Bio PhysicsIt is a branch of physics that studies the structure of molecules in living organisms using the law of physics. Many achievement of physics in the field of biology include like :- Invention of X-rays, Invention of electron microscope, discovery of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick which helps the scientist to understand more about living organism.

13. Chemical Physics :

Branche of The Physics | Chemical Physics

The chemical physics is the branch of study in which the chemical reaction and chemical effect on various substance can be determined by using the laws of physics, such as atomic physics, molecular physics, condensed matter physics and crystallography.

14. Econophysics:

Branche of The Physics | EconophysicsIt is the application of principles of physics to the study of financial market. It is an interdisciplinary research field, applying theories and and methods originally developed by physicist in order to solve problems in economics, mainly uncertainty or stochastic process and non-linear dynamics.

Branche of The Physics | Health Physics15. Health Physics:

Health physics also called medical physics is a branch of physics developed for radiation safety and practical good use of society.

16. Mathematical Physics:

Branche of The Physics | Mathematical PhysicsIt refers to the development of mathematical methods for applications to problems in physics. It is a branch of applied mathematics but deals with physical problems such as in statistical mechanics, atomic and molecular physics, quantum field theory, etc.

17. Relativistic Physics: 

Branche of The Physics | Relativistic PhysicsIt is a branch of physics that deals with the object whose velocities are very high comparable to the speed of light. It is developed by Sir Albert Einstein  and the main topics of this branch are; General Relativity, Special Relativity and Einstein field equation (E=MC^2). 

18. Engineering Physics:

Branche of The Physics | Engineering Physics

It is a unique branch of of engineering discipline with a combination of physics, mathematics, electrical engineering and other advance technology subjects. Graduate in engineering physics are prepared to find the solution for complex technological problems in nuclear science, aerospace, computing etc.

19. Mesoscopic Physics:  

Branche of The Physics | Mesoscopic PhysicsIt is a branch of physics that deals with the objects whose dimensions are intermediate between microscopic and macroscopic. The scale of this material can be described as being between the nano-scale size of a quantity of atoms (such as a molecule) and of material measuring micrometers. 

20. Astrophysics: 

Branche of The Physics | AstrophysicsThe branch of physics which deals with the study of universe such as stars, planets, galaxies, etc with the help of laws of physics such as stellar dynamics and evolution. It is mainly concerned with stellar life cycle, physical properties of stars, galaxies etc.

21. Cosmology:

Branche of The Physics | CosmologyIt is a branch of metaphysics     which deals with the origin and development of universe. It is dominated by the Big-Bang theory. It is mainly concerned with the structure of space-time and universe model.

22. Mechanics:

Branche of The Physics | MechanicsA branch of physical science that deals with energy, forces and their effect on bodies. It is mainly concerned with motion and forces producing motion.

23. Acoustic: 

Branche of The Physics | AcousticAcoustic is the branch of physics that deals with the study of sound (mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids). It is concerned with the production, control, transmission, reception and effects of sounds.

24. Optics:

Branche of The Physics | OpticsIt is a branch of physics that studies electromagnetic radiation such as light, infrared radiation, etc. It is concerned with laws of reflection, types of mirrors and many more.

25. Thermodynamics: 

Branche of The Physics | ThermodynamicsIt is the branch of physics that studies about heat energy and its relationship with other forms of energy. In this we study about change in temperature and volume on physical system on the macroscopic scale by analyzing the the collective motion of their particles through observation and statistics.

Because heat means energy in transit and dynamics is associated with movement; Thermodynamics studies the movement of energy and how energy creates movement.

26. Electronics:

Branche of The Physics | ElectronicsIt is a branch of physics that studies about the flow of electron (electricity) in semiconductor, conductor, vacuum or gas and their behavior. It is concerned with the design of circuits using transistors and microchips.

27. Electromagnetism:

 It is a branch of physics that studies about two different topics electricity and magnetism but interrelated.

Branche of The Physics | Electromagnetism | Electricity(A) Electricity: It is one of the topic of electromagnetism that studies about the properties and movement of electrically charged particles. It is concerned with AC, DC current and many more. 

Branche of The Physics | Electromagnetism | Magnetism (B) Magnetism: Branch of electromagnetism that studies about the magnet, magnetic material and their properties. It was mainly founded by James Clerk Maxwell around 1860s.

28. Classical Electrodynamics:

Branche of The Physics | Clssical Electrodynamics

practical use of classical electrodynamics

It is the branch of of theoretical physics that studies about rapid changes in electric and magnetic field. It studies about interaction of electric charge and current using the classical Newtonian model.

29. Quantum Electrodynamics QED:

Branche of The Physics | Quantum ElectrodynamicsIn particle physics it is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence it describes how light and matter interact. QED mathematically describes all phenomena involving electrically charged particles interacting by means of exchange of photons and represent the quantum counterpart of classical electromagnetism giving a complete account of matter and light interaction.

The Richard Feynman called the 'jewels of physics' is the founder of this branch by his extremely accurate predictions of quantities like anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the lamb shift of the energy levels of hydrogen.  


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