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What is Physics About

What is Physics About


what is physics | physics | what is physics about
Until the end of Eighteenth century,the mass of knowledge gained about various phenomena occurring in nature, by careful observation and close reflection, was classified into a single scheme, of study called Natural Philosophy. As knowledge increase it was found necessary to divide the study of nature into two main branches, that is:Physical Science & Biological Science.

what is physics | physics | what is physics about

The biological sciences deal with living things whereas physical sciences are concerned with the properties and behavior of 
non living matter. Physics is broadly concerned with a study of all those interesting topics which deal with the laws according to which matter reacts with matter or energy, together with the related concepts of force and motion.Thus Physics deals with the fundamental properties of matter and energy.As such physics may be called as the science of matter and energy.

what is physics | physics | what is physics about
Although Physics is one whole and cannot be compartmentalised into different part but for the sake of convenience of reference, the study of physics has been grouped under such headings as mechanics, properties of matter, optics, wave motion, magnetism, electricity etc.This list by no means is exhaustive. At higher levels of study, we have particle physics, which deals with ultimate structure of matter, Nuclear physics which is concerned with structure of nucleus and nuclear energy; Solid state physics, plasma physics etc. Physics has always been a very exciting subject. But it has never been so exciting as it is now in the world of today. All the events and occurrence that we come across in daily life are found to be governed by the principles of physics. A major achievement of physics has been in revealing the fact that all forms of matter consist of small particles called atoms. It has been further shown that atom is still not the indivisible part part of matter. It has further subdivision. The study of constituent of atom has led to the discovery of many new particles called fundamental particles. With the knowledge of the fundamental particles, many complicated mysteries of nature have been unfolded.
what is physics | physics | what is physics about
 Ancient science was largely qualitative and speculative. The fact which distinguishes modern science from ancient science is the close connection between theory and experiment. In no other branch of science this relation is more intimate than in physics. With the growth of science, instruments, experimental and measuring techniques, are becoming complex and costly. It is also a fact that some spectacular and outstanding work in science has also been done with relatively simple and rather crude apparatus. This is true even now. For learning physics and also for carrying out research in certain areas of physics, it is possible to do a great deal with simple equipment, and apparatus, provided it is used intelligently and carefully. In the present century physics has undergone a great revolution. This has been largely due to the pioneering work of great scientists of the world namely Max Plank, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, De Broglie and many more. Indian scientists like C.V. Raman, Meghnad, S.N.Bose, and others have also made significant contributions to the development of modern physics.

Physics in relation with other sciences:

what is physics | physics | what is physics about | physics of father
The subject of physics has played a very important role in the development of other sciences. So important is this role that many authorities in other field of knowledge consider physics to be the most basic of all sciences. Certainly a knowledge of the fundamental principles of physics, is today an essential part of the education of all those who wish to become proficient in physical and medical profession.

Since physics is the most fundamental science of the natural world, it finds numerous application in other areas of knowledge. Originally the range of physics did not include biology, but these days it is found that laws of physics when properly interpreted, apply to living things also, and a new science called biophysics has been developed. Thus we see that the study of physics is basic to a proper understanding of not only physical sciences but it is also finding increasing applications in the study of biological world.

Mathematics and physics: 

Physics is a quantitative science, perhaps more quantitative than any other science. For this very reason mathematics is used more in physics than any other branch of science. The theories in physics make use of mathematics.
what is physics about | physics of father | mathematic in physics | maths and physicsMathematics provides the signs and tools which physicist use. The mathematics in fact keeps making signs for the use of any discipline that needs them. Mathematics has proved to be the most powerful tool in the development of theoretical physics. Without mathematics the world of physics would be more difficult to explore. Had calculus been not invented, Newton would not have been able to discover the universal law of gravitation. Mathematics enables us to go fairly deep into physics. A person lacking mathematical sophistication would require longer time to discover the physical principles than a person who knows some mathematics. It is almost always true that more mathematics one knows, the more physical principles one can learn in  a given period of time.

 Physics in relation with chemistry:  

what is physics about | physics of father | physics in relation to chemistry | physicsIt has been already pointed out that the development of physics and physical instruments have had a tremendous influence on other sciences and technology. The study of the atomic structure has thrown a new light on the arrangement of elements in the periodic table, the nature of valency and chemical bonding. Now-a-days the chemist are able to detect substances in as small quantities as 10^-10 to 10^-20 gram. This skill has been provided to chemists by the study of radio-activity and radio active elements. X rays and neutron diffraction and magnetic resonance methods are the outcomes of the researchers in physics. The application of these methods has enabled chemists to understand complex chemical structures. These methods have also enabled bio-chemists to understand the structure of nucleic acid.

Physics in relation to biological sciences:

what is physics about | physics of father | physics in relation to biology | physicsOriginally life science did not fall within the scope of studies in physics,  but now-a-days life science are also benefited by the researchers in physics. The proper understanding of the structures of nucleic acids (as mentioned earlier) has enabled scientists to control the vital process of life activity. The study and use of optical instruments like microscope etc fall within the domain of physics. With the use of optical optical microscope, the study of biology has undergone a profond  revolution. The electron microscope (which is million times more powerful than optical microscope) has made it possible to penetrate into the structure of a cell. The irradiation of fungi and bacteria produces new products. These new products are useful in forming antibiotics, enzymes and vitamins widely used for many practical purposes. 
It is well known that X-rays which were discovered by physicist, are widely used for locating fractures and presence for foreign matter in human body. Ultrasonics enable doctors to peep into human body for diagnostic purposes. Radio-isotops are used in radiation therapy for the cure of deadly disease like cancer. Thus physics has a useful influence on the studies of life sciences also.

Physics in relation with Astronomy:

what is physics about | physics of father | what is physics | physics | what is physics pdfPhysics has also helped in the advancement of astronomy. Galileo with the help of his crudely designed telescope was able to observe the moons of Jupiter. Sir William Herschel was able to discover a new planet with the help of the optical telescope. Thus he was able to add one more planet to the list of five planet already discovered by the ancients. The advances in photographic techniques in physics proved a tremendous help in making many fun damental researches in the field of astronomy. The use of radio-telescope has enabled astronomers to see up-to the farthest limit of the universe and discover new objects in the sky like quasars, pulsars etc. These new discoveries in astronomy have thrown new light on the subject of cosmology.

Physics in relation to technology:

what is physics about | physics of father | relation of physics with technologyScience and technology as a friend. Engineering and technology make use of the scientific (physics) knowledge to improve the material well being of the mankind. Following examples clearly support the above contention:
1. Electric generators are the outcome of the researches made by Faraday about 150 years ago.
2. Radio, Television are the outcome of the discovery of the intimate relationship between electricity and magnetism made by Clerk Maxwell.
3. Space vehicles and artificial satellites are based upon Newton's ideas and laws of motion formulated 300 years ago.
4. Nuclear power stations and nuclear energy generation are possible only because of Rutherford's ideas about the structure of matter given by him in the beginning of the present century.
5. Electronics came into being from J.J.Thomson's discovery of the electron and it has many applications in communication, computer systems, domestic products etc. Modern telephone exchanges now make extensive use of electronics and have brought about a revolution in the life of man.
what is physics about | physics of father | relation of physics with technology
The interaction between physics and technology is a two-way traffic. The discoveries of physics give rise to new technology and in turn, advances in technology are used for further researches in physics. Improved technology provides new tools and techniques which help for further growth of physics.

Physics and society:

what is physics about | physics of father | physics
The history of science and technology can be tracked back to the society of primitive man. But the conscious use of science for social and economic development is comparatively a recent phenomenon. It started only with the scientific revolution in Europe. Today tremendous changes are being brought about by science in general and physics in particular in the life style of people all over the world. The inventions of radio, television, computers, rockets, reactors etc wherein physics has played a leading role, have completely revolutionized not only the life but the very thinking of the man on this globe. The whole context of life has undergone a profound change with the increasing use of science and technology. The things which were unthinkable some years ago, have been made a reality these days.  What developed countreys have and the underdeveloped countreys do not have, is the modern science and technology. The ,modern science possesses the potentiality to eradicate hunger and poverty completely from the surface of the Earth to usher in an age of abundance and leisure. On the other hand a wrong use of science may end in disaster. Nuclear weapons like atom bombs and Hydrogen bombs which can destroy the whole of humanity in no time are also the outcome of the advancement of modern physics and engineering. Dropping of atom bomb on the two cities of Japan-(Hiroshima and Nagasaki) during World War 2, has opened the eyes of the scientists as well as of the political leaders of world in respect of the devastation and destruction that can be caused by the wrong use of the scientific knowledge.  
what is physics about | physics of father | what is physics


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