Planets Near To Earth In Whole Solar System Which planet is nearest to Earth? I am sure that maximum of the people will say Venus or Mars. But actully it is wrong by some of the scientists. So first of all we have to know basically how scientists predict the distance between two planets... So what they do they just take the distance of each planet from the Sun and subtract both the result and get the distance between each planet. Example they take the distance of the Earth from the Sun and the distance of Mars from the Sun and they subtract the Earth distance from the Mars and get the distance between both the planets. But actully it is not purely correct way of determining the distance between two planets. As from high school we grown up seeing such a picture of the solar system as shown up. But that is not right. I n actual solar system planets are not align in such a way in a single line. They are like scattered marbles on the floor. Because they all have their own orbits of differ